Title:  Privacy Policies

Updated:   4-21-15

Author:    Joe Johnson


Attached are two documents.

-1- Privacy Policy questions that help structure a proper Privacy Policy for an organization. These also help your organization consider the responsibilities of member and constituent data.

-2- Based on the answers to the questions (I assumed for ISpa) is a DRAFT policy for the website.

These are drafts and do need review. These are good management talking points also for staff, so they are knowledgeable and are prepared to answer client questions if they were ever to arise.

Examples of current client privacy Policies

ICF- http://www.coachfederation.org/about/landing.cfm?ItemNumber=2223&navItemNumber=2224&navItemNumber=552

Quest - http://www.questdirect.org/content/view/privacypolicy

ASAE - http://www.asaecenter.org/content.cfm?ItemNumber=8088

Educational Links:

Create a Policy:      http://www.freeprivacypolicy.com
              Username: [email protected]
              Password: 37711

Sample Policies:
MailChimp:  http://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/
Automatic:   http://automattic.com/privacy/

Elements of Policies & Resources: