At times, the Windows OneDrive desktop client may show errors if the file synchronization fails. The OneDrive error code 0x80040c81 and 0x80040c82 are just two examples.

These error codes can occur when the users try to update the client or sign in. While they can be resolved with a simple reset of the OneDrive client, there are other troubleshooting tips you can try.

In this article, we take a look at a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve OneDrive error code 0x80040c81 and 0x80040c82 in Windows 10.

  1. . Reset OneDrive app

OneDrive error code 0x80040c81

  1. Click on Start and select Settings.
  2. Go Apps > Apps and Features.
  3. Type OneDrive in the search box.
  4. Locate the OneDrive app from the list and click on it.
  5. Click on Advanced Options under the OneDrive app.
  6. Under OneDrive advanced options, scroll down to Terminate. Click on the Terminate button.
  7. Next, click on the Reset button.
  8. When asked to confirm, click on Reset.
  9. Close the Windows settings window and relaunch OneDrive client. Check for any improvements.



Alternatively, you can also reset the OneDrive desktop client by running a command. Here is how to do it.

OneDrive error code 0x80040c81

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open Run box.
  2. In the Run box, type the following command and click OK.
    %localappdata%MicrosoftOneDriveonedrive.exe /reset
  3. Press Windows key + R to open Run again.
  4. Type the following command and click OK.
    %localappdata%MicrosoftOneDriveonedrive.exe /reset
  5. Restart your computer and try launching the OneDrive client.

Resetting the OneDrive client has worked for many users having similar issues on their Windows PCs.

2. Reinstall Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive error code 0x80040c81

  1. Click on Start and select Settings.
  2. Go to Apps.
  3. Click on Apps and Features.
  4. Search for OneDrive in the app list.
  5. Click on the OneDrive app.
  6. Click on Uninstall.
  7. Select Yes if asked to confirm the action

Reinstall Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive error code 0x80040c81

  1. Open the Windows File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the following location:
  3. Now search for OneDrivesetup.
  4. Double-click on OneDriveSetup to run the installer.
  5. Wait for the Windows to complete the installation.

Alternatively, you can also get the latest version of Microsoft OneDrive from the Microsoft Store. It is recommended that you check the Microsoft Store for any pending updates, even if you decide to install it from the Windows directory.

The OneDrive error code 0x80040c81 and 0x80040c82 mostly occur due to network-related issues and can be easily fixed with a simple OneDrive reset. Follow all the steps in this article one by one and let us know which of them helped you resolve the error in the comments section below.