There are times that users need to reset their NetFORUM password.  Below is a document with instructions on how to do so.



Click link titled 'Reset Password' just above the 'Unlock Account' link (noted in graphic below)




  • Enter your username in the “Domain User Name” field and click “Continue”  (noted in graphic below)



  • You will get a page like this with the questions you setup when you registered your account
    1. You will have 5 minutes to complete, otherwise it will time-out
    2. The “security code” characters (noted in graphic below) are not case-sensitive, the security question answers are case-sensitive




  • If your answers match and the “security code” is correct, you will get this page
    1. You will also have 5 minutes to complete this task, otherwise it will time-out
    2. Enter your new password based on the password policy requirements listed (password is case-sensitive)
    3. Confirm your new password (password is case-sensitive)
    4. Enter the “security code” (not case-sensitive)
    5. Click “Reset Password” (noted below)

  • You will see a confirmation whether your new password meets all the requirements or not